BARIATRIC Surgery Perth | Best OBESITY and WEIGHT Loss Surgeon - Dr Ravi Rao Water Intake Post Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Water intake post gastric sleeve surgery Dr Ravi Rao

All You Need to Know About Water Intake Post Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Published on April 1 , 2024 | 3 Minutes to Read

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Water Intake Post Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Water Intake Post Gatric Sleeve surgery is a crucial aspect to know about post-surgery. Water plays a key role in keeping body cells, hair and skin hydrated, and to flush out waste from the body. As the food intake reduces than the normal diet, post weight loss surgery, it is important for patients to make sure that they include enough water in their daily diet. Lack of water can not only hamper the results of the weight loss surgery, but can also lead to a number of health-related concerns. To help ensure it doesn’t happen to you, in the post, we discuss different ways to include water in your diet, post bariatric surgery. Read on.

  • Drink 2 to 3 glasses of non-carbonated water/liquid per day: There are claims that carbonated water leads to loss of calcium in bones, causes tooth decay, and can lead to weight gain even when the drink is sugar-free.
  • Drink only sugar-free beverages: A huge amount of sugary beverages intake can lead to weight gain and obesity.

Useful read – 5 Essential Nutrients Post Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  •  Having too much of caffeine as part of your daily diet can dehydrate your body and lead to various health-related problems.
  • If you like coffee or tea, make sure it is sugar-free and fat-free.
  • For fast weight loss results, it is recommended to stop drinking any type of fluid 20 to 30 minutes before and after a meal.
  • Say no to drinking fluids along with the meals as it interferes with the digestion.
  • You can resume drinking liquids 20 to 30 minutes after your meal.

The best way to check whether you are drinking enough water is by checking the concentration of your urine—if you are properly hydrated, the color of the urine should be very light.

Wrap Up

Whether you have undergone a sleeve gastrectomy or any other weight loss surgery, it is important to consume enough water to keep yourself hydrated. Water not only keeps you hydrated, but also helps you remove waste from your body. Though the above-mentioned plan will help you ensure enough intake of water, post surgery, it is still advisable to consult your bariatric surgeon or a dietician. If you or someone you know is looking for gastric sleeve surgery in Australia, we at Perth Surgical & Bariatrics can help. To learn more about our bariatric surgery procedures or to learn about the diet after weight loss surgery, schedule an appointment or you can also call us at 08 65581901.

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